Posted by: critzpastor | September 18, 2010

Answered prayer

Love is ...

Nope, we don’t have a house yet, although we may be getting close. Nope we don’t have new jobs yet either.

Out of all the “Big” prayer request I have recently…nothing!

Of course, this morning all of those priorities rearranged themselves. This morning Kristen confessed that her back (which she strained moving boxes Thursday), kept her up all night. She set down on the couch for about 1 second before she was pacing, then crying, then laying on the floor crying…

Apparently, sitting and the sciatica nerve don’t get along very well.

So I drove her to a Chiropractor or at least I attempted to as she thrashed and cried in the seat next to me. After the Chiropractor we headed to the ER. As we were walking/staggering into the ER I prayed, “Lord, please let them get her in quick and get her medicine quick!”

Of all the prayers to answer, of all the prayers we have prayed recently, the one answered first was that one.

Don’t misunderstand. I am grateful, extremely grateful.

However, I realize that there is a time and a season for everything. That His thoughts are not my thoughts, He and I prioritize differently, understand differently, we aren’t even subject to the same space, time restrictions.

I wouldn’t begin to assume that I know the mind of God, but today I am comfortable with the idea that God gives me what I need, if not always what I ask for.

And I am certainly glad he did/does/will.


  1. I like that. Sort of like God saying, “Hey bud, I am right here.”

  2. I wonder if I walk by Him all the time. So focused on “the answer” that I want that I don’t see each moment as an opportunity. Can’t see the forrest for the trees comes to mind.

    I think I am too often a liar! I say that I am seeking His will, when in reality I usually have MY will/desire/solution in mind.

    The older song “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord” is resonating in my heart today.

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