Posted by: critzpastor | April 25, 2009

New Days





It’s amazing that those pictures were only a few days apart. The differences in the atmosphere and feel of both is so tangible. They were both real days and yet vastly different …

Today it barely 8:30 a.m. and already almost 70 degrees on my deck! It will be close to 95 degrees (almost 100) and it’s still April. It’s sunny, the birds are singing (the humming birds are already back!) and the day is filled with so much hope and light! It reminds me of one of my favorite Jamie Cullum songs, “What a difference a day makes”, click on the title to see that blog entry.

Which brings me to this next thought, it is always blue and clear above the heavy clouds of despair that settle on our lives. The difference is perspective. My prayers for today go out to all of those who are underneath the oppression of their circumstances. I pray that the Lord of Hope, Mercy and Peace will be with you until you can see and feel the light of His presence in your heart and life. I pray that you will know his presence through the storm of your life.

He is faithful, He is present, He is in control … He is in control!

I know this may not change your already frazzled emotions and feelings right now and that is OK. Above the clouds it is already a new day and it day is coming your way!


  1. I guess you could say, if you don’t like today, wait for tomorrow? Or Get the bad out of the way and enjoy the rest of the good? Or Look through the freeze and realize that the viruses are dead? Or If both pictures look bad to you then you have a real problem. You need to see and feel the light of His presence.

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